please check my scholar page for a complete list
some of my work in progress
"Gender Gaps across the Spectrum of Development: Local Talent and Firm Productivity" with Nava Ashraf, Virginia Minni and Victor Quintas y Martinez
"Graduation" with R. Burgess, A.Heil, M. Sulaiman
"Meritocracy across Countries" with I. Lindenlaub, A.Kotia, C.Moser and A.Prat
"Weathering poverty" with C.Balboni, R. Burgess, A.Heil, C. Mazet-Sonhilac, M. Sulaiman, Y. Wang
"CEO-Firm Matches and Productivity in 42 Countries" with Amanda Dahlstrand, David Laszlo, Andrea Prat, Raffaella Sadun and Helena Schweiger
"Meaning at work" with Nava Ashraf, Virginia Minni and Luigi Zingales
"Beyond Bonuses: the incentive effect of a prosocial initiative on bankers"
with N. Ashraf, A. Delfino and M. Fossi

Economic Development and the Organization of Labour: Evidence from the Jobs of the World Project with Ahmed Elsayed, Anton Heil and Andrea Smurra
Men are from Mars, and Women Too: A Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Overconfidence Experiments with Nidhi Parekh, Barbara Petrongolo and Michelle Rao
Young Adults and Labor Markets in Africa with Ahmed Elsayed, Andrea Smurra and Celine Zipfel
The Search for Good Jobs: Evidence from a Six-Year Experiment in Uganda Oriana Bandiera, Vittorio Bassi, Robin Burgess, Imran Rasul, Munshi Sulaiman and Anna Vitali
"Why do people stay poor?" Clare Balboni, Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Maitreesh Ghatak and Anton Heil 2021
"The Allocation of Authority in Organizations:A Field Experiment with Bureaucrats" with Michael Best, Adnan Khan and Andrea Prat, 2021
"Social Incentives, Delivery Agents and the Effectiveness of Development Interventions" with Robin Burgess, Erika Deserranno, Ricardo Morel, Imran Rasul and Munshi Sulaiman 2021
"The Distinctive Values of Bankers" with Nava Ashraf and Alexia Delfino, 2020
"Tackling Youth Unemployment: Evidence from a Labour Market Experiment in Uganda" Livia Alfonsi, Oriana Bandiera, Vittorio Bassi, Robin Burgess, Imran Rasul, Munshi Sulaiman and Anna Vitali 2020